Sponsorship Opportunities

We appreciate any donations to support Aravah Sukkot Festival.

With additional resources, we will be able to compensate our facilitators and production team more fairly and provide a higher quality of programming and infrastructure for attendees.

All donations are tax deductible, and will be received by our fiscal sponsor on our behalf. Donate Online: https://www.socialgoodclub.com/donate

To donate by check or wire transfer please contact us for details.

We would love to honor your contribution in whatever way feels most aligned for you. If you would like to sponsor a particular aspect of Aravah Sukkot Festival, please see the sponsorship opportunities below or reach out to us directly to discuss collaboration possibilities.

Festival Partners

Support production by contributing to general operating expenses. This funding helps to compensate staff and cover operational expenses that may not be met through ticket sales. This offers a safety net for production and helps us plan without anxiety.

Program Partners

Support a specific portion of the programming. Fund shabbat dinner, kabbalat shabbat, live middle eastern music, the DJ dance party, morning services, a matchmaking happy hour, youth and family programs, elder council, or any aspect of your choosing.

Artist Grants

Provide stipends to compensate artists, facilitators, musicians and ritualists. It will cover the costs of supplies for individual classes and events during the festival. This could also support our harm reduction and grief tending team or the Doykeit tea lounge.

We will also accept in kind donations of any wine, snacks, beverages, or whatever you feel excited to share.